265 research outputs found

    An efficient and accurate decomposition of the Fermi operator

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    We present a method to compute the Fermi function of the Hamiltonian for a system of independent fermions, based on an exact decomposition of the grand-canonical potential. This scheme does not rely on the localization of the orbitals and is insensitive to ill-conditioned Hamiltonians. It lends itself naturally to linear scaling, as soon as the sparsity of the system's density matrix is exploited. By using a combination of polynomial expansion and Newton-like iterative techniques, an arbitrarily large number of terms can be employed in the expansion, overcoming some of the difficulties encountered in previous papers. Moreover, this hybrid approach allows us to obtain a very favorable scaling of the computational cost with increasing inverse temperature, which makes the method competitive with other Fermi operator expansion techniques. After performing an in-depth theoretical analysis of computational cost and accuracy, we test our approach on the DFT Hamiltonian for the metallic phase of the LiAl alloy.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Computing the Absolute Gibbs Free Energy in Atomistic Simulations: Applications to Defects in Solids

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    The Gibbs free energy is the fundamental thermodynamic potential underlying the relative stability of different states of matter under constant-pressure conditions. However, computing this quantity from atomic-scale simulations is far from trivial. As a consequence, all too often the potential energy of the system is used as a proxy, overlooking entropic and anharmonic effects. Here we discuss a combination of different thermodynamic integration routes to obtain the absolute Gibbs free energy of a solid system starting from a harmonic reference state. This approach enables the direct comparison between the free energy of different structures, circumventing the need to sample the transition paths between them. We showcase this thermodynamic integration scheme by computing the Gibbs free energy associated with a vacancy in BCC iron, and the intrinsic stacking fault free energy of nickel. These examples highlight the pitfalls of estimating the free energy of crystallographic defects only using the minimum potential energy, which overestimates the vacancy free energy by 60% and the stacking-fault energy by almost 300% at temperatures close to the melting point

    A hybrid approach to Fermi operator expansion

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    In a recent paper we have suggested that the finite temperature density matrix can be computed efficiently by a combination of polynomial expansion and iterative inversion techniques. We present here significant improvements over this scheme. The original complex-valued formalism is turned into a purely real one. In addition, we use Chebyshev polynomials expansion and fast summation techniques. This drastically reduces the scaling of the algorithm with the width of the Hamiltonian spectrum, which is now of the order of the cubic root of such parameter. This makes our method very competitive for applications to ab-initio simulations, when high energy resolution is required.Comment: preprint of ICCMSE08 proceeding

    Efficient methods and practical guidelines for simulating isotope effects

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    The shift in chemical equilibria due to isotope substitution is often exploited to gain insight into a wide variety of chemical and physical processes. It is a purely quantum mechanical effect, which can be computed exactly using simulations based on the path integral formalism. Here we discuss how these techniques can be made dramatically more efficient, and how they ultimately outperform quasi-harmonic approximations to treat quantum liquids not only in terms of accuracy, but also in terms of computational efficiency. To achieve this goal we introduce path integral quantum mechanics estimators based on free energy perturbation, which enable the evaluation of isotope effects using only a single path integral molecular dynamics trajectory of the naturally abundant isotope. We use as an example the calculation of the free energy change associated with H/D and 16O/18O substitutions in liquid water, and of the fractionation of those isotopes between the liquid and the vapor phase. In doing so, we demonstrate and discuss quantitatively the relative benefits of each approach, thereby providing a set of guidelines that should facilitate the choice of the most appropriate method in different, commonly encountered scenarios. The efficiency of the estimators we introduce and the analysis that we perform should in particular facilitate accurate ab initio calculation of isotope effects in condensed phase systems

    Evaluating functions of positive-definite matrices using colored noise thermostats

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    Many applications in computational science require computing the elements of a function of a large matrix. A commonly used approach is based on the the evaluation of the eigenvalue decomposition, a task that, in general, involves a computing time that scales with the cube of the size of the matrix. We present here a method that can be used to evaluate the elements of a function of a positive-definite matrix with a scaling that is linear for sparse matrices and quadratic in the general case. This methodology is based on the properties of the dynamics of a multidimensional harmonic potential coupled with colored noise generalized Langevin equation (GLE) thermostats. This "ff-thermostat" (FTH) approach allows us to calculate directly elements of functions of a positive-definite matrix by carefully tailoring the properties of the stochastic dynamics. We demonstrate the scaling and the accuracy of this approach for both dense and sparse problems and compare the results with other established methodologies.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Efficient first-principles calculation of the quantum kinetic energy and momentum distribution of nuclei

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    Light nuclei at room temperature and below exhibit a kinetic energy which significantly deviates from the predictions of classical statistical mechanics. This quantum kinetic energy is responsible for a wide variety of isotope effects of interest in fields ranging from chemistry to climatology. It also furnishes the second moment of the nuclear momentum distribution, which contains subtle information about the chemical environment and has recently become accessible to deep inelastic neutron scattering experiments. Here we show how, by combining imaginary time path integral dynamics with a carefully designed generalized Langevin equation, it is possible to dramatically reduce the expense of computing the quantum kinetic energy. We also introduce a transient anisotropic Gaussian approximation to the nuclear momentum distribution which can be calculated with negligible additional effort. As an example, we evaluate the structural properties, the quantum kinetic energy, and the nuclear momentum distribution for a first-principles simulation of liquid water

    Theoretical prediction of the homogeneous ice nucleation rate: disentangling thermodynamics and kinetics

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    Estimating the homogeneous ice nucleation rate from undercooled liquid water is at the same time crucial for understanding many important physical phenomena and technological applications, and challenging for both experiments and theory. From a theoretical point of view, difficulties arise due to the long time scales required, as well as the numerous nucleation pathways involved to form ice nuclei with different stacking disorders. We computed the homogeneous ice nucleation rate at a physically relevant undercooling for a single-site water model, taking into account the diffuse nature of ice-water interfaces, stacking disorders in ice nuclei, and the addition rate of particles to the critical nucleus.We disentangled and investigated the relative importance of all the terms, including interfacial free energy, entropic contributions and the kinetic prefactor, that contribute to the overall nucleation rate.There has been a long-standing discrepancy for the predicted homogeneous ice nucleation rates, and our estimate is faster by 9 orders of magnitude compared with previous literature values. Breaking down the problem into segments and considering each term carefully can help us understand where the discrepancy may come from and how to systematically improve the existing computational methods

    Fine Tuning Classical and Quantum Molecular Dynamics using a Generalized Langevin Equation

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    Generalized Langevin Equation (GLE) thermostats have been used very effectively as a tool to manipulate and optimize the sampling of thermodynamic ensembles and the associated static properties. Here we show that a similar, exquisite level of control can be achieved for the dynamical properties computed from thermostatted trajectories. By developing quantitative measures of the disturbance induced by the GLE to the Hamiltonian dynamics of a harmonic oscillator, we show that these analytical results accurately predict the behavior of strongly anharmonic systems. We also show that it is possible to correct, to a significant extent, the effects of the GLE term onto the corresponding microcanonical dynamics, which puts on more solid grounds the use of non-equilibrium Langevin dynamics to approximate quantum nuclear effects and could help improve the prediction of dynamical quantities from techniques that use a Langevin term to stabilize dynamics. Finally we address the use of thermostats in the context of approximate path-integral-based models of quantum nuclear dynamics. We demonstrate that a custom-tailored GLE can alleviate some of the artifacts associated with these techniques, improving the quality of results for the modelling of vibrational dynamics of molecules, liquids and solids

    Atom-Density Representations for Machine Learning

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    The applications of machine learning techniques to chemistry and materials science become more numerous by the day. The main challenge is to devise representations of atomic systems that are at the same time complete and concise, so as to reduce the number of reference calculations that are needed to predict the properties of different types of materials reliably. This has led to a proliferation of alternative ways to convert an atomic structure into an input for a machine-learning model. We introduce an abstract definition of chemical environments that is based on a smoothed atomic density, using a bra-ket notation to emphasize basis set independence and to highlight the connections with some popular choices of representations for describing atomic systems. The correlations between the spatial distribution of atoms and their chemical identities are computed as inner products between these feature kets, which can be given an explicit representation in terms of the expansion of the atom density on orthogonal basis functions, that is equivalent to the smooth overlap of atomic positions (SOAP) power spectrum, but also in real space, corresponding to nn-body correlations of the atom density. This formalism lays the foundations for a more systematic tuning of the behavior of the representations, by introducing operators that represent the correlations between structure, composition, and the target properties. It provides a unifying picture of recent developments in the field and indicates a way forward towards more effective and computationally affordable machine-learning schemes for molecules and materials